Weirdest Pokemon of All Time Mimikyu|Crabominable|Cubone|Likitung-Lickilicky|Litwick-Lampent-Chandelure|luvdisc|Magikarp-Gyarados|Trubbish-Garbodor|Vanillite-Vanillish-Vanilluxe|Klefki
Just for Fun

The 10 Weirdest Pokémon of All Time

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Sarah Hook

Over the years we've been treated to plenty of weird Pokémon, but some are definitely weirder than others. From the cute and quirky to the downright strange, they seem to be becoming weirder with each new Pokémon game that’s released.My theory is that with so many creatures already out there, the creators simply close their eyes, point at some inanimate object, and then that’s the new basis for the next Pokémon. Take a look at our list below and tell me you don’t agree!

1. Klefki

It’s … it’s a set of keys. Is this one even for real?


2. Luvdisc

We’re not going to discuss why this one made the cut. This is a family blog after all. With a name like Luvdisc *shudders* we’ll let you use your own imagination.


3. Litwick/Lampent/Chandelure

We’re bundling these 3 Pokémon together as one because they’re in the same evolution group and they’re all here for the same reason – they all creep the hell out of me. Each of these Pokémon is a ghost and fire combination, and all enjoy stealing life energy and feeding on spirits. As you do.


4. Vanillite/Vanillish/Vanilluxe

Again, we’re classing these 3 as 1 Pokémon. I'm pretty sure the designers were having a bit of an ice cream craving when they designed these ones. Introduced in the Generation 5 games Pokémon Black and White they are - naturally - an ice-type Pokémon.


5. Mimikyu

This Pokémon, that was first introduced in Sun and Moon, had to appear on our list because … well, look at it! It’s quite a sad story really; this Pokémon is often referred to as the “Disguise Pokémon” because it mimics the look of Pikachu so it can make friends. Underneath it's not so cute looking. Still weird though.


6. Cubone

Cubone’s story is a sad one, with Team Rocket invading its home and killing its mother in front of him way back in Generation 1. How could they? A tragic story does not, however, excuse the behaviour of wearing the dead mothers’ skull – that’s just weird.


7. Trubbish/Garbodor

The cleaner was obviously late taking the rubbish out and sparked the inspiration for these two … they’re literally bags and piles of rubbish.


8. Magikarp/Gyarados

How can you go from potentially the most useless Pokémon in existence that only knows the move 'splash' to the water/flying epicness that is Gyarados? We don't know either.


9. Crabominable

Look at its face! I’m not ashamed to admit that this genuinely made me laugh out loud when I saw it – go home Generate VII you’re drunk.


10. Likitung/Lickilicky

Do I genuinely need to explain why a Pokémon that has a tongue which is seemingly bigger than its body is weird?


While you're busy laughing at these weird Pokémon, we also wanted to remind you to stay tuned for coverage of Gamescom 2019 on our blog later this week! We'll be getting to grips with some amazing upcoming software releases and we'd love to know which title you're most excited to hear/see more of! Let us know in the comments...

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September 2, 2022

Our Guide to Back to School Gaming Essentials

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Whether it’s for the kids or for you, get ready for a year of after school gaming sessions by stocking up on our accessories for Nintendo, PlayStation, and Xbox. Not sure where to start or what you need? Don’t worry, we’ve done our homework and walk you through the aisles with our guide to back to school gaming accessory essentials.

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